Friday 17 August 2012

The Love of Running

There is something I feel whilst out running, it is a feeling of freedom, clarity, relief, solitude, power, creativity. I often wonder why this is and if there are others that feel it too. I remember at uni a tutor commented 'you play netball?' as if it was the most absurd thing he had ever heard. A Fine Art student plays sport? Yeah, is that really such a shock? For me, I find that art & sport are two of the most crucial aspects of my life. 
Watching a programme a while ago, on the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood William Holman Hunt was portrayed as a passionate individual that regularly boxed and exercised.  Watching a Tracey Emin documentary more recently showed her love for the outdoors, swimming and exercise as a release and I completely relate to this need. Both examples affirm my belief that art and exercise can and do work side by side.