Thoughts and steps to take...
Since speaking to a couple that own a few of my paintings, about an architectural boat tour they went on in Chicago and seeing the amazing photos from the trip it gave me ideas on how my Waterways series could develop. This project initially arose from a photographic tour around Manchester with the Cornerhouse, introducing me to parts of the city that I had never reached before. After seeing the Chicago photos, I came to think that this project has the potential to go way beyond the city of Manchester. In the last few years I have visited some amazing places, such as Bruges and Brisbane that have a strong water focus and why not combine images of these places to produce my work?
Another thought in my mind is photos I took whilst on my travels around the world. I recently gathered all the photos that I took whilst out running during this trip. I discovered a collection of beautiful snapshots of the places I had visited, sneaky looks into hidden places and away from the tourist areas. I had unknowingly taken some of my best photos during these unplanned outings and I am now keen to use these in some way. for thought :)