Whilst surfing the internet, when I should have been working ;) I stumbled across a recent project by Chinese artist Jiang Pengyi...
'Urban Art: Unregistered Cities by Jiang Pengyi'
Though the artist mainly works in photography, this particular project focuses on cities, still objects and massive skyscrapers reduced to miniature sizes communicating his recurrent themes of excessive urbanization, redevelopment and demolition in the Beijing city. I was and am still mesmerized by these series of works. I not only love the concept behind his work but also the way in which he has portrayed his theme. Whilst obviously having a impeccable eye for photography I love that he has also brought in the crafted aspect for this particular series.Reading the article on urbanghostsmedia.com, 'The Unregistered Cities themselves appear in abandoned buildings but unlike those represented in Jiang Pengyi’s sculptures, their host abandonments are not the crumbling ruins of skyscrapers, road networks and high rise apartments - they are the last remnants of Beijing’s past, abandoned houses swallowed up by the same urban zeal that the artist seeks to counter. Abandoned houses and historic civic buildings are popular venues for urban exploration, but few would expect to find miniature ghost cities artistically represented amid the ruins of real forgotten places. Collectively, Jiang Pengyi’s urban artworks speak to our sense of past and underscore the relentless pace of the present.'