Monday, 25 October 2010

19 Karen Gallery - Exhibition Opening

On Saturday, I went to 19 Karen gallery for an exhibition opening. I have been reading about the gallery and their artists for a few months, before I had even arrived in Australia so I was quite excited about finally going to the gallery. Getting the bus, I had a hand written map to find the gallery and thankfully a man & his daughter got off the bus and unknowingly led me to the gallery! Mermaid Beach, where the gallery is located is an interesting little area. Getting off the bus at 6pm, the sun had almost set and so the light had an illuminating glow. Every neon light and sign seemed to glow around me, it felt artificial but magical too.

Mermaid Beach
Entering the gallery I was welcomed and offered a delightful glass of champagne! I met Katy Mitchell, a fellow artist who works at the gallery and also displays some of her ceramic pieces in the gallery. Being on my own I was able to explore the space and the artist's work at my own pace, whilst enjoying my first glass of wine on the Gold Coast! The atmosphere in the space was fantastic, live music, friendly people and great art work. I particularly liked the work by Dan O'Tool and also Jeremy Piert for his loose unfinished style. It was great to be amongst other creative people, enjoying the work and listening to each artist talk about their own work. I felt so relaxed, I didn't have a train to catch or no car to drive home – it felt great :)

Jeremy Piert & Ryan Preece
It was a really great night, I felt extremely welcome and the gallery totally exceeded my expectations.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Singapore at night! :)

Well..I've been here for only three days and it is like I have been here for weeks! I have got myself organised and I feel like I have done a lot! A 3-day stopover in Singapore really made the journey over here. Singapore – what a fascinating city and sooo hot!!  Arriving at Brisbane airport was slightly alarming as the sky was very grey and gloomy, it felt like we had landed back in the U.K! And the journey down the Gold Coast was even more disturbing as at the side of the rail tracks roads were flooded and cars were underwater! But since arriving, the weather has continued to improve and it has been quite a relief to be able to gradually adjust to the warmer weather. The area around where I live is fantastic, there is so much to see and appreciate. I feel like I am living in a permanent zoo, there is so much wildlife around here! Lizards are everywhere! Being next to Budds Beach is great as you only have to step out of the apartment and you are walking alongside a beautiful waterway with moored up yachts along it. The town (Surfers Paradise) is quite intense but is great as it is has everything you need and isn't too busy. I am looking forward to the 19 Karen gallery opening on Saturday, excited about meeting some other artists and experiencing some new art work. I feel that things are starting to settle down here now and my mind feels more open to creative thoughts. Each day is much more simpler and I feel quite relaxed. I am looking forward to the coming weeks as I get to know the area a little better and who knows what I will see scurrying across my front lawn!    

Friday, 1 October 2010

My portable studio :)

Only 5 days to go until I leave Manchester and head to Australia.  Over the past few days I have been getting myself organised and speaking to my close friends about the exciting few months ahead of me!! Up at my studio I have been gathering my materials together that I intend to take with me and have also been attempting to tidy my space!!
I'm feeling quite nervous about leaving but also very excited about seeing new places and making work in entirely new surroundings.  I have been making work at Woodend Mill since I graduated and it is a refreshing thought that for the next six to eight months I will be creating work whenever and wherever I can!